CSS Font and Text Properties

CSS Font and Text Property

Basic code for Text Properties
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link  rel=" shortcut icon" href=" favicon.png" >
<link  rel=" stylesheet" href=" style.css" >
   <p class="para"> Mallu Coder Sugu</p>

Text Properties and source code :
Property Code
font-family property is used to specify the font of a text.
.para {
font-family: 'sans-serif', 'Ubuntu';
font-size property is used to specify the size of the text.
.para {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight property set, how bold or thin characters in the text should be displayed
.para {
font-weight: bold;
The line-height property specifies the space between the fonts.
.para {
line-height: 1.8em;
The color property is used to set the color of the text.
.para {
color: red;
This property is used to set the background color of the text.
.para {
background-color: red;
The text-align property is used to set the alignment of a text. We can align a text in the left, right, center, and justify.
.para {
text-align: center;
text-transform property is used to specify uppercase and lowercase and capitalize letters in a text.
.para {
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration properties are used to decorate text in one declaration.
.para {
text-decoration: none;
word-spacing property is used to specify the space between the words in a text.
.para {
word-spacing: 20px;
The text-shadow property is used to add the shadow effect to the text.
.para {
text-shadow: 1px 1px yellowgreen;
letter-spacing property is used to specify the space between the characters in a text.
.para {
letter-spacing: 20px;

Introduction to CSS Part-2 PDF Click here to download

Easy Pickup

  • 1. CSS More Samples
  • 2. CSS Malayalam Classes
  • 3. CSS Malayalam Notes

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